Augustana Lutheran Church LCMS
Moscow, ID

Augustana Lutheran Church
Capital Campaign
"O Lord, I love the habitation of your house and the place where your glory dwells." Psalm 26:8
Augustana Lutheran Church preaches Christ crucified - grace alone, faith alone, scripture alone. As a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, we serve the Palouse region as a confessional, liturgical and evangelical congregation in Moscow, Idaho.
Our Dream
We dream of a home to call our own and share with the community – A church building with our name on the sign, a sanctuary with the Lutheran Service Books in the pews, a permanent altar that stays decorated throughout the week, a fellowship hall for potlucks, wedding receptions, baby showers, college student meetings and youth group activities. Sunday School rooms to instruct our children, an office for our pastor to meet with congregants. We haven’t just been dreaming of this home, we’ve been saving for it for years, and we’ve made progress.
Moscow is a unique place – both college town and rural community, with a bustling business scene, surrounded by thousands of acres of dryland farming. It is so special that the real estate market has provided unexpected challenges. At the writing of this message, two commercial real estate listings are available in the entire town, both over $900,000, and requiring significant work to transform into a church. Vacant land is equally challenging – the rolling hills of the Palouse are beautiful works of God’s creation, and challenging to flatten into a building site. In the four years we’ve been searching, we’ve learned that a home will require an investment of nearly $1 million.
To that end, Augustana Lutheran Church has embarked on a capital campaign to raise $300,000 to help finance our permanent home. Combined with current assets and modest debt, Augustana will be poised to act quickly when the right piece of land is on the market or the right building is for sale.
What does Augustana's Home Look Like?
A house of the Lord in the small city that we call home, serving Moscow, Pullman, Palouse, Potlach, Troy, Lewiston, Clarkston, Kendrick and more.
A sanctuary filled with young and old confessing their sins and receiving absolution, baptizing new believers, confirming new members in the faith, preaching Jesus victory over death at funerals.
A fellowship hall where the children of God gather for Easter breakfasts, funeral lunches and soup suppers, sharing the joys and sorrows of this life together.A room filled with the laughter and shouts of our youth group, and the late night discussions of college students.
Sunday School rooms with Bibles, worksheets, glue, glitter, popsicle sticks and yarn surrounding children who are hearing the Word of God every Sunday, taught by faithful adults.
An office where young couples announce their engagements to their pastor, parents grieve miscarriages, confirmation memory verses are recited and study for Sunday sermons takes place.
A home for the life of a church, a family clinging to the Word of God together, until the day that the Lord calls them home.